Americans For Tax Fairness Statement On The Republican National Convention

July 16, 2024

In light of this week’s Republican National Convention, Americans for Tax Fairness executive director David Kass put out the following statement:

“As the Republican Party gathers this week for its national convention, Americans should be aware that many of the GOP’s policy proposals are alarming. The radical ‘Project 2025’—a governing blueprint created by scores of former Trump administration officials and published by the same Heritage Foundation sponsoring the Republican convention—would distort and damage our government for the benefit of wealthy political donors and multinational corporations. Rather than offer the real reforms the tax code needs to reduce economic inequality; ensure adequate funding for bedrock programs like Social Security, Medicare, childcare, education and housing; and reduce national debt, Project 2025 would rig the tax code even more in favor of the rich at the cost of depleted public services, higher family expenses and bigger deficits.  ‘Project 2025’ is assuredly the vision of Donald Trump and the Republican Party—and it would certainly be a nightmare for the American people.”