177 Search Results for corporate taxes

Letter to Congress urges members to sponsor the No Tax Breaks for Outsourcing Act Today, more than 50 national organizations sent a letter urging members of Congress to co-sponsor the No Tax Breaks for Outsourcing Act, which would overhaul the new international tax system put in place by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to ensure that multinational […]
A new analysis by Americans for Tax Fairness estimates that Charles Koch and David Koch and/or Koch Industries could save between $1 billion and $1.4 billion combined in income taxes each year from the Trump tax law―and that doesn’t even count how much the brothers might save in taxes on offshore profits or how much […]
Today, August 30, 2017, President Trump will promote his plans to change the nation’s tax code at a closed-to-the-public event in Springfield, Missouri. The speech will take place at a business owned by one of his campaign donors. While we don’t know quite what the president will say, we can predict a few claims based […]
MEMORANDUM FR:       Frank Clemente, Executive Director Americans for Tax Fairness RE:       Post-Election Polling Shows the Public Opposes Tax Cuts for Corporations and the Wealthy DT:       February 7, 2017 Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans are misguided in their efforts to claim a mandate to cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations.  […]
Changes to the income-tax disclosure requirements for public corporations should include annual country-by-country reporting and the amount of deferred U.S. taxes owed on offshore profits, Americans for Tax Fairness Executive Director Frank Clemente wrote in comments submitted to the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Today is the deadline for public comments on FASB’s draft revisions to […]
Compiled by Americans for Tax Fairness Source for all platform language is here: http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/platforms.php Note: These are noteworthy excerpts of discussions about tax issues from past Democratic platforms. The excerpts are not comprehensive; often there are brief mentions of tax issues throughout a lengthy platform document. 2012 Note: there are many references in the platform […]
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Improving country-by-country reporting requirements is critical to identifying, and ultimately preventing, billions of dollars of corporate tax dodging, Americans for Tax Fairness Executive Director Frank Clemente said in testimony to the Internal Revenue Service today. “Profit shifting by multinationals is a principal method of corporate tax avoidance. Improved reporting requirements, as proposed in this […]
Organizations Criticize Double Standard for Corporate Tax Breaks   WASHINGTON – Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF) released the following statement Friday following the passage of the Research & Experimentation Tax Credit (H.R. 4438) in the U.S. House of Representatives: “It is deeply disappointing that a majority of House members have a double standard — one set […]
Dear Chair Cole, Ranking Member DeLauro, Chair Joyce, Ranking Member Hoyer, and Members of the House Committee on Appropriations: On behalf of the undersigned organizations, we write to share our deep concerns with and strong opposition to the House FY2025 Financial Services and General Government (FSGG) proposal that would reduce revenues, exacerbate the nearly $700 […]
Congress Should Make The Wealthiest Pay Their Fair Share In 2017 Republicans passed a massive $2 trillion tax cut heavily slanted towards large corporations and the very rich. Many provisions of that law are scheduled to expire at the end of 2025, but Trump is promising his big-dollar donors that he will extend their tax […]