177 Search Results for corporate taxes

February 14, 2023 The Honorable Ron Wyden Chairman Senate Committee on Finance 219 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Chairman Wyden: We are writing on behalf of Americans for Tax Fairness—a coalition of over 450 organizations dedicated to creating a fairer tax system—to urge the speedy confirmation of Danny Werfel as Commissioner of […]
House Republicans plan to vote this year on a bill that would eliminate the entire federal tax code and replace it with a 30% national sales tax that would give the wealthy a huge tax cut, raise taxes on the middle class and threaten Social Security and Medicare. They deceptively call their extreme plan the […]
House Republicans will use their majority to repeal $72 billion in new IRS funding designed to catch wealthy and corporate tax cheats and improve customer service for average taxpayers Washington, D.C. – The first legislative vote by the new House Republican majority scheduled for Monday evening, January 9, is to repeal nearly all of the […]
In their first legislative vote of the new Congress, House Republicans will use their majority to repeal IRS funding designed to close tax gap that lets wealthy and corporate tax cheats evade billions  The first legislative vote by the new House Republican majority scheduled for Tuesday, January 3, is to repeal nearly all of the […]
‘If Democrats…Cave to This Special Interest Demand They Will Be Betraying Working Families’ Private equity billionaires would be among the big winners from a corporate lobbying push in Congress to reap a windfall from a retroactive tax break in the omnibus bill now being crafted. Lobbyists and their many allies in Congress are trying to […]
The following statement was issued by Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness:  Through an onslaught of TV ads this fall, Congressional Republicans and their two super PACs tried to make this election a referendum on false claims about increased taxes on the middle class and increased funding for the IRS—and they lost. […]
PRESCRIPTION DRUGS & HEALTH CARE The IRA will lower prescription-drug costs for seniors and healthcare premiums for working families. Medicare will finally be allowed to negotiate with drug corporations to bring down the price of prescriptions. If drug corporations hike prices faster than inflation, they’ll pay the full difference to Medicare – a cap that […]
Tax reforms in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will raise nearly $470 billion over ten years by making corporations and the wealthy pay a fairer share of taxes. About $400 billion of the revenue will be used for historic clean energy investments to combat climate change and reduce household energy costs, and for deficit reduction.  […]