176 Search Results for corporate taxes

America’s Wealthiest Pump Millions Into 2022 Campaigns, Mostly to Republicans Who Will Cut Their Taxes, Including Many Who Back Lie That Trump Beat Biden  A new report from Americans for Tax Fairness has found that America’s billionaires are pumping tens of millions of dollars into the 2022 midterm elections, mostly backing Republican candidates for Congress […]
What is a billionaires income tax? A billionaires income tax more fairly taxes billionaires and other super-wealthy people by taxing a major source of their income that often goes completely untaxed now: the increase in the value of their assets, such as corporate stocks, bonds and real estate.  Who has proposed a billionaires income tax? […]
$2 Trillion, or 70%, Pandemic Wealth Gain of Nation’s 740 Richest May Well Go Untaxed, Making Case for President Biden’s Proposed Billionaires Income Tax A Similar Tax Proposed by Senate’s Chief Tax Writer Would Reap Up to $555 Billion to Lower Working-Family Costs for Healthcare, Childcare & Other Vital Services On Tax Day, April 18, […]
Dear Member of Congress: We urge you to oppose including any corporate tax breaks in the conference agreement for S. 1260, the United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021 (USICA) and H.R. 4521, the America Creating Opportunities for Manufacturing, Pre-Eminence in Technology and Economic Strength (America COMPETES) Act—or in any other legislation that moves […]
That Huge Leap in Wealth May Never Be Taxed Unless Congress Enacts a Billionaires Income Tax  Two years into the biggest national health crisis in recent history, U.S. billionaires’ wealth continues to soar above the misery: as of March 10, their collective wealth has shot up by $1.7 trillion, or 57%, since the pandemic emergency […]
Half of MLB Owners Now Locking Out America’s Pastime Are Billionaires Whose Wealth Increased 25% During the Pandemic  Half the baseball owners threatening America’s pastime by locking out their players in a greedy money grab belong to another club: that of billionaires, who as a group are hitting up the American people by paying too […]
Dear Member of Congress: We urge you to oppose including any corporate tax breaks in the FY 2022 omnibus government funding bill at a time when Congress has allowed important benefits for workers and families with children to expire, purportedly because of cost concerns.  The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) included a number […]
Groups Representing Workers, Families, Faith, Small Business, Communities of Color Endorse House-Backed Tax Hikes on Rich & Corporations While Proposing Others Showing public demand for fairer taxes on the wealthy and corporations included in the Build Back Better Act (BBAA) that passed the House of Representatives in November is as strong as ever, 101 national […]
Dear Senator: The 101 organizations below urge you to support the important progressive tax reforms in the House-passed Build Back Better Act (BBBA). They provide most of the revenue that will fund historic investments to help working families afford healthcare, childcare, education, housing, and more; access paid family and medical leave; and provide expanded tax credits […]
Collective Fortune of 10 Richest Americans More Than Doubled Since Start of the Pandemic in March 2020, to $1.35 Trillion; With Every Passing Second, $12,600 Wealthier As the World Economic Forum, criticized “as an elitist gathering of the super-rich,” met virtually this week, the wealth of America’s 10 richest billionaires reached $1.35 trillion, more than […]