176 Search Results for corporate taxes

Today, Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF) released letters to Congress signed by 620 state groups and 97 national groups in support of President Biden’s Build Back Better tax and investment plans. The letters are part of a nationwide grassroots campaign representing millions of Americans, including women, workers, retirees, students, teachers, faith leaders, and small business […]
Dear Members of Congress: President Biden’s Build Back Better proposals provide Congress a historic opportunity to move toward an economy that works for all of us, not just the wealthy and corporations. The president has proposed long-overdue investments that will create good-paying jobs, rebuild communities and expand opportunities for working families that will reduce inequality. […]
These are poll-tested messages based on three national and 6 state surveys (see sources at end).   Core Message About Build Back Better Plan and Taxes   President Biden’s Build Back Better plan will create millions of good-paying jobs and help ease the burden of high costs facing working families. The plan will make sure the wealthy […]
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) wants to close a gaping tax loophole that lets wealthy noncorporate business owners dodge tens of billions of dollars in taxes a year. It was misleadingly sold as a Main Street business tax cut when enacted in 2017. Wyden would only let business owners making less than $400,000 a year get […]
Today, Americans For Tax Fairness (ATF), along with 79 other national organizations, released a letter to Congress in support of President Biden’s Tax Plan.  In the letter, the co-signers, write: “Biden’s plans are big and bold public investments financed by requiring the rich and corporations to pay their fair share of taxes. The president’s economic […]
TOPLINES “Stepped-up basis” is a huge tax loophole for rich people that allows them to avoid taxes on investment gains for their entire lives and pass those assets onto heirs who will never be taxed on that increase in value of the assets.  President Biden would close this loophole that most benefits billionaires like Jeff […]
To: Interested Parties From: ALG Research, Hart Research and Americans for Tax Fairness Re: Poll shows strong desire for higher taxes on the wealthy and corporations A new national poll commissioned by Americans for Tax Fairness finds that there is strong support for raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations, that it is a top-tier […]
Wealthy and Corporations Will Begin to Pay Their Fair Share as Public Demands, Providing a ‘Job-Creating Juggernaut’ President Biden’s first annual budget, released today, sharply breaks with 40 years of failed trickle-down tax cuts to make major investments in American families and communities and ensure that the wealthy and corporations start paying closer to their […]
Dear Chair Wyden and Senators Brown and Warner: We applaud your taking leadership in the reform of international tax law by presenting your proposal “Overhauling International Taxation”. Your plan would raise significant revenue, curb tax-haven abuse, protect American jobs, and begin to meet the challenge set by the Biden Administration to end the international race […]
TAXING INCOME FROM WEALTH LIKE WAGES, CLOSING LOOPHOLES AND MAKING RICH PLAY BY SAME RULES WOULD HELP REBUILD MIDDLE CLASS AND FUND HEALTHCARE, CHILDCARE AND EDUCATION  President Biden’s American Families Plan, released today, would boost funding by $1.5 trillion for healthcare, childcare and education serving working families by cracking down on rich individual and corporate […]