176 Search Results for corporate taxes

President Biden wants to improve education, healthcare, childcare, income security and more  for working families by making the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes, especially Wall Street tycoons. His “American Families Plan” (AFP) includes $1.8 trillion in investments and tax credits over 10 years and roughly the same amount of new tax revenue from […]
Today, 84 groups promoting economic and social justice sent a letter to President Biden and Vice President Harris in support of their Build Back Better public investment and tax fairness agenda.  The groups, representing a diverse coalition of unions, faith, policy and advocacy organizations said in the letter: “Your tax and investment plans were the […]
Dear President Biden, Senators and Representatives: As groups dedicated to social, racial, gender, and economic justice, we are writing to urge the new administration and Congress to make strengthening Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax enforcement a top priority in 2021 and beyond. Fair and adequate tax enforcement is critical for ensuring a tax system and […]
As pollsters for President Biden’s campaign in both the primary and general election, we found that few issues generated broader, more intense support than raising taxes on those earning over $400,000 a year and closing tax loopholes for big corporations. The issue of tax fairness was therefore a core part of the Biden campaign’s messaging […]
Corporate and Business Taxes: Repeals the most egregious tax breaks in the 2017 Trump-GOP tax law (the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, or TCJA). Increases the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%, aims to reduce outsourcing and create jobs here at home, and reduces tax dodging from profit shifting to tax havens. Individual Taxes: […]
Big Business Gets Extra Goodies, Cutting What’s Available for Working Families Struggling Through Holiday Season; Multinational Corporations, Fancy Restaurants, Movie Studios All Score Pricey Gifts  Like a misguided Santa shortchanging the poor side of town in order to give more to the rich kids, Congress in its year-end pandemic relief bill included over $220 billion […]
Costly tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations would only further heighten the economic inequalities already exacerbated by the pandemic Today, Americans For Tax Fairness, a coalition of more than 400 endorsing organizations released a letter to Congress urging them to oppose any tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations as they debate a year-end […]
Dear Member of Congress: The Americans for Tax Fairness coalition of more than 400 endorsing organizations is heartened by the news that lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are again trying to reach agreement on a coronavirus relief package. Millions of Americans face a dark and dangerous winter as key provisions of the CARES […]
TOPLINES Rich tax cheats evade about $400 billion in taxes every year, stealing funding from vital public services like healthcare, education and infrastructure that benefit working families. The wealthiest 1% are responsible for some 70% of the nation’s estimated $570 billion “tax gap”—the difference between taxes owed and taxes paid.   Our rigged tax system […]
“Our framework ensures that the benefits of tax reform go to the middle class, not to the highest earners.” – President Trump, Oct. 11, 2017 [USA Today] “The rich will not be gaining at all with this plan.” – President Trump, Sept. 13, 2017 [The Guardian]   Source: Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), […]