176 Search Results for corporate taxes

Wealthy Business Owners Allowed to Transform Pre-Crisis Losses Into Gains A tax fairness watchdog today blasted two little-noticed provisions in the recently enacted Coronavirus economic rescue package that hand wealthy business owners and corporate shareholders about $200 billion in tax breaks. In a letter to members of Congress, Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF) called for […]
Financial Aid Bill Contains $280 Billion in Business Tax Breaks—Half the Aid Goes to Business, Only a Quarter to Families, & a Big Break for Wealthy Business Owners Like Trump  America’s unprecedented health and economic emergencies demand quick enactment of the coronavirus aid package passed by the U.S. Senate, but the flaws in that bill […]
Letter from 72 National Organizations  March 18, 2020 Dear Member of Congress: We write to urge an aggressive response to the economic and societal impact of the novel coronavirus outbreak, but caution against allowing this national emergency to be used to demand tax cuts that will be poorly targeted, lack the biggest bang-for-the-buck and favor […]
Major candidates in Democratic presidential field offer fiscal plans many times the size of Clinton’s in 2016 Five leading candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination who have announced detailed revenue and investment plans all proposed much more robust plans than Hillary Clinton offered in 2016, showing how far the debate has shifted in the progressive […]
The Honorable Richard E. Neal Chairman, House Committee on Ways & Means U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable John Lewis Chairman, Oversight Subcommittee House Committee on Ways & Means U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable Mike Thompson Chairman, Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures House Committee on Ways & Means […]
“You can have concentrated wealth in the hands of a few or democracy. But you can’t have both.” — Louis Brandeis, Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, 1916-1939 Levying a Millionaires Surtax of 10-percentage points on the income of the richest 0.2% will raise $635 billion for public investments, according to the Tax Policy […]
Talking Points Prepared by Americans for Tax Fairness and Health Care for America Now December 2019 SUMMARY Congress is currently considering legislation to stop drug corporation price gouging and lower the cost of prescription medicines. We all have a stake in the Lower Drug Costs Now Act because taxpayers heavily subsidize drug corporation profits. And […]
Proposal will Raise Significant Revenue, Help Narrow Wealth Gap  Today, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and Congressman Don Beyer (D-Va.) introduced a new tax proposal to help close the gap between the wealthy and everyone else, and raise significant revenue to make new investments that will grow the economy and protect working families. Their […]
Nevertheless, Trump Considering New Tax Cuts for Wealthy Even Though Polling Compilation Shows TCJA Still Underwater with Public  The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), the top legislative achievement of the Trump Administration and the GOP Congress, has failed to live up to the many promises by its proponents, according to a year-long compilation […]
‘Trickle Down’ Plan Failed to Spur Growth, Offers Lessons for Federal Tax Policy Last week, CNBC named Kansas number 19 on its list of America’s Top States for Business, a surprising 16-place jump from its 2018 ranking, making Kansas this year’s most improved state. Good news for Kansas, certainly, but the way the Sunflower State […]