177 Search Results for corporate taxes

Dear Member of Congress: The current budget-deficit debate in Washington, like too many fiscal debates over the past 40 years, has been dominated by Republican demands to cut spending on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education, housing, nutrition programs, and much more. Our organizations are fundamentally opposed to holding the debt limit and budget issues hostage. […]
January 11, 2022 Americans for Tax Fairness, a coalition of hundreds of national and state endorsing groups, urges you to vote NO on legislation being rushed through the U.S. House today that would repeal critical tax enforcement funding enacted last year with the support of every House and Senate Democrat. The legislation will help hold […]
  ATF URGES HOUSE TO VOTE NO ON GOP BILL TO PROTECT RICH & CORPORATE TAX CHEATS January 3, 2022 Americans for Tax Fairness, a coalition of hundreds of national and state endorsing groups, urges you to vote NO on legislation being rushed through the U.S. House today that would repeal critical tax enforcement funding enacted […]
On the Other Hand, Congress Is About to Give More Tax Breaks to the Wealthy Saving for Retirement While Giving Crumbs to Working People  In a victory for tax fairness, Congress has rejected in the newly released omnibus spending package the renewal of three major tax breaks urgently sought by big corporations, which were part […]
Dear Member of Congress: We urge you to oppose the inclusion of corporate tax breaks in any lame-duck legislative package. At a time when corporations are making record-high profits while paying record-low taxes as a share of the economy, and when corporate price gouging is helping to fuel inflation, corporations should start paying more of […]
After passing historic corporate tax reform in the Inflation Reduction Act earlier this year, Congress now risks erasing those tax-fairness gains in a lame-duck tax package rife with costly corporate giveaways. Legislation currently under discussion would extend—at a cost of up to $600 billion—three expired or expiring provisions of 2017’s Trump-GOP tax law benefitting big […]
At least half a dozen big corporations lobbying Congress to slip a tax cut into an upcoming must-pass omnibus budget bill have paid little or no federal income taxes over the past three years, an analysis released today by Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF) reveals. Last week, a group of prominent corporate CEOs organized as […]
February 8, 2022 To: Interested Parties Fr:  John Anzalone and Matt Hogan, Impact Research Re: Raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations is a winning issue for Democrats With Democrats facing a challenging political environment and President Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda stalled in Congress, the party is hungry for issues to focus on that […]
The Corporate Profits Minimum Tax (CPMT) will ensure that big corporations making the most profits pay a reasonable amount of tax every year—without eliminating critical incentives for research, clean energy and affordable housing. In 2020, 55 big firms— including FedEx, Nike and Salesforce.com—paid zero federal income tax, despite over $40 billion in combined profits. Dozens […]
15% Floor Will Help Shut Down World Tax Havens That Bleed American Jobs The Biden Administration has secured an international agreement to begin to end the world race to the bottom on corporate tax rates, saving American jobs and public revenue and paving the way for domestic reforms that will require U.S. corporations to pay […]