176 Search Results for corporate taxes

Two federal tax provisions meant to boost company research—the Research and Experimentation (R&E) tax deduction and the Research Tax Credit—are often conflated. Adding to the confusion, the research activities supported by both provisions are often referred to interchangeably as “research and development (R&D)” or “research and experimentation (R&E).” Either R&D or R&E are acceptable in […]
New Report Shines Spotlight on Republicans’ Fraudulent Claim That They Are The Party of “Deficit Reduction” WASHINGTON, D.C. – Permanently extending expired and expiring parts of the 2017 Trump-GOP tax law—as Republican leaders have promised to do—would add at least $3.5 trillion to the national debt over the next decade (including $370 billion in increased borrowing […]
Key parts of the 2017 Trump-GOP tax law, including individual income and estate-tax cuts, will expire at the end of 2025, but House Republicans want to permanently renew them. In 2017, President Trump and the GOP Congress designed their so-called Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) so that major provisions that primarily affect individuals would […]
Huge corporations waste hundreds of billions of dollars each year further enriching their top executives and wealthy shareholders with stock buybacks, rather than improving worker pay and benefits or investing in their businesses and communities. President Biden and Congressional Democrats took the first step in curbing this behavior while also raising revenue to support working […]
February 14, 2023 The Honorable Ron Wyden Chairman Senate Committee on Finance 219 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Chairman Wyden: We are writing on behalf of Americans for Tax Fairness—a coalition of over 450 organizations dedicated to creating a fairer tax system—to urge the speedy confirmation of Danny Werfel as Commissioner of […]
February 14, 2023 Dear Member of Congress: We write on behalf of Americans for Tax Fairness—a coalition of over 450 endorsing organizations dedicated to creating a fairer tax system—to urge your support for Rep. Lloyd Doggett’s Assuring Medicare’s Promise Act (H.R. 34). This vital bill would benefit over 65 million older and disabled Americans who […]
House Republicans plan to vote this year on a bill that would eliminate the entire federal tax code and replace it with a 30% national sales tax that would give the wealthy a huge tax cut, raise taxes on the middle class and threaten Social Security and Medicare. They deceptively call their extreme plan the […]
House Republicans will use their majority to repeal $72 billion in new IRS funding designed to catch wealthy and corporate tax cheats and improve customer service for average taxpayers Washington, D.C. – The first legislative vote by the new House Republican majority scheduled for Monday evening, January 9, is to repeal nearly all of the […]
In their first legislative vote of the new Congress, House Republicans will use their majority to repeal IRS funding designed to close tax gap that lets wealthy and corporate tax cheats evade billions  The first legislative vote by the new House Republican majority scheduled for Tuesday, January 3, is to repeal nearly all of the […]
‘If Democrats…Cave to This Special Interest Demand They Will Be Betraying Working Families’ Private equity billionaires would be among the big winners from a corporate lobbying push in Congress to reap a windfall from a retroactive tax break in the omnibus bill now being crafted. Lobbyists and their many allies in Congress are trying to […]