177 Search Results for corporate taxes

  HERE IS WHAT THE TRUMP-REPUBLICAN TAX GIVEAWAY LAW DOES: As of March 8, 2018 Gives a massive tax cut to millionaires and corporations. Over 80% of the $1.5 trillion in tax cuts will go to the richest 1% by 2027, when fully phased in. This year, the top 1% will get an average tax […]
Gives 83% of the tax cuts to the richest 1% by 2027. The richest 1% of taxpayers will get one-fifth (21%) of the tax cuts in 2018. That grows to 83% by 2027 because they benefit most from the corporate tax cuts and tax cuts for working families will have expired. The average tax cut […]
This is NOT the “Best Christmas Present of All”; It’s a Disgrace. Upon final House passage of the GOP Tax Bill, Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness, issued the following statement: “This monstrosity is not tax reform. It’s a money grab by the richest 1% and the wealthiest corporations, period. It will be paid […]
Changes to the Security and Exchange Commission’s disclosure requirements for U.S. corporations should include annual country-by-country reporting on activities in foreign countries, urged Americans for Tax Fairness in comments signed by nearly 18,000 supporters. ATF also submitted separate comments to the SEC, which can be found here. “Without this improved transparency, corporations will be free […]
September 8 marks the 100 year anniversary of President Woodrow Wilson signing into law the federal estate tax, a levy on the intergenerational transfer of immense wealth. The tax was implemented in an effort to raise significant revenue as well as to check the rising concentration of wealth. Today, high exemption levels, loopholes that limit […]
The following statement was issued by Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF) Executive Director Frank Clemente in response to the European Commission’s finding this morning that Ireland’s tax arrangements with Apple were illegal and provided up to a 13-billion-Euro subsidy ($14.5 billion) plus interest, or “state aid,” to Apple through various forms of tax avoidance. Ireland’s […]
Americans for Tax Fairness and its allies will pressure the Securities and Exchange Commission to require U.S. corporations to disclose all of their foreign subsidiaries and the amount of taxes those subsidiaries owe the United States. “The SEC should adopt a strong regime for disclosure of all corporate subsidiaries. Based on studies done by ATF […]